Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I was one of the 7 thousand crammed in the Sunway Ampitheater.
Average age there: 15years old
7000 x 15year olds = High pitched, uncontrollable chaos!

All for the runner up of American Idol Season 7

It was pretty good. Obviously I wasn't as, erm, out of my senses as most of the fans, but i was impressed with his vocals and David A. has come a long way.

The only downside was, "Booooo!" and two thumbs down to the organizers, Sony and Digi. The genius's went and oversold/over distributed tickets. I guess they underestimated the power of the Malaysian tweens.

It was supposed to start at 3pm, but when we arrived at 2.45pm the gate leading to the Sunway Ampitheater was closed, saying the venue is full. There was still about 150 or more people waiting outside, and some had lined up 1/2 hour prior to the gates being closed. Obviously a combination of unhappy tweens and their tired parents made the situation ugly, the bozo guards not being clear - "You might get in, or you might not. Just wait."

After much pushing, shouting and nastiness that lasted longer than it should (remember there were young kids being squashed too), finally they opened the gate a little and allowed us to trickle in.

Greedy organizers. You disgust me.

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