Saturday, July 28, 2007

Nothing much...

I was briefly flicking through the pics that Mun Onn took of Kenny and Fanny's wedding few weeks back, (the most anticipated wedding of the year for some) and i was moved most by this picture...

Once again, change has happened SO quickly. Since WHEN was there a grey board thingy in church? I mean, i just left not too long ago okay...

Sigh. See where the red arrow is pointing to, that used to be MY spot for many years until the PA section grew once and one pew was gone; grew twice and the next pew was gone till i was forced to move upstairs. Tsk tsk tsk...
Like the poor squirrells that have no trees to stay in anymore that they sneak into Mr Beautiful's house and eat his fruits...


I have FINISHED reading the last HARRY POTTER book! Past two nights i've been up till almost 4am racing to find you what happens before i accidentally hear it from someone. Its a good ending to the whole thing, i enjoyed it and am glad that its the last book. Finally reached the end almost ten years later. I still recall it was Grace Cheok that first introduced the book to me many moons ago...


Yesterday was my CF's first proper meeting, and there was a really good turn out of first years! I was so happy to see the room filling up, and i hope we get it right and manage to convey the sincere warmth that we talk so much about. Kinda scary cause it's within these next few weeks where it could go either way, 50/50 chance of losing or keeping them. I struggle, knowing and wanting to be friendly/kind/warm etc, but its hard when i talk to someone that has a way of giving one worded answers or is a tad disrespectful.


It's my brother's birthday today. He turns 28.
Really wish i could be home. Missed last years as well, and the year before that i think. So many things happening back home without me.
Feel like crying.

Home Lyrics

No matter how many friends i have with me, there's still moments of feeling that i'm alone. Friendships fade, like old photographs. Memories of the past lie under a layer of dust, blurring it to be whatever you want it to be. Good or bad or ugly. You decide how it is you wish to remember. To the point where i sometimes wonder if it was real or i had just always remembered it to be real. I guess thats why photo's mean so much. When you look at them, its proof that it was real. It happened. No matter how much i want to forget.


Anonymous said...

i love that song from Micheal Buble. :)

and's scary who u can disappear from church for a few months and poof! our church suddenly so high tech dy... -_-"

was so jakun cos I din noe they would project the lyrics for the songs or the scripture on the screen. lol. but sometimes I still prefer the good old ways of doing ruffling through the small hymnal book, taking in the scent of the old worn out pages, wondering what was the number again...246? 264? and then some pages would drop out... haha...tht's what happens when u grow up in church I guess... xD

queen shelby said...

hei di! =p

super scary wei. Mana tau next time i go back something else is totally changed. Dah la its not white anymore. *sob*

i also was surprised the first sunday i saw lyrics flashed on screen. i too prefer the old school way...

sigh. Some things are just inevitable.

Su said...

The grey board thing didn't only catch you by surprise. I was also shocked when I first saw it. Almost like one day it's there and then one day it's not.

As for projecting words...I even more blur, it was one month after they started using the new projector, before I realized that it was something new. Hahaha.

P/S: I'd like to point out that the second growth didn't force you guys up stairs. You already moved to the left side before that :P

Anonymous said...

'I struggle, knowing and wanting to be friendly/kind/warm etc, but its hard when i talk to someone that has a way of giving one worded answers or is a tad disrespectful.'

It's hard for some people to talk/chat. Chit-chatting comes naturally to some, but to others, it may be, well, very difficult, as for some, it is not natural.

Maybe pray for them? It's tough, but God work wonders :)