Sunday, March 12, 2006

Black Spots

Many many moons ago, when my bro was in uni, he told me a story of how he didnt finish drinking some soya bean and left it in his mug for a long time...
It mutated and in the end he had to throw the whole cup away.

At the time i was thinking, "GROSS! how could u do something like that?"
Well, this was discovered in my room :

Erm, the dark spots are not chocolate chips...Anyway, isn't the red clip supposed to prevent air from getting in and stop weird things breeding on foodstuff?

Actually, when the bintik-bintik hitam appeared i didnt bother throwing it out cause i wanted to see what'd happen....Kekeke...Didn't keep it that long la, only about 4-5days =p

Yesterday there was a wedding at Sg. Nibong, Tan Poh Chuan and Lalitha. The bride wore a lovely red sari, gorgeous man...
I like small church weddings i think. The dinner was in the church compound, and it was such a diff feeling to the usual hotel ones. More...real?
Saw the Looi family and was shy to go say hi cause afraid they didn't remember me...
Eventually did, and thankfully they did rmb me.


I wish i could be a different person, and just fly away.
I've said before, its good to start fresh, where no one knows you, and you can be free
But wherever you turn there are chains.
Left, right and centre- chains.
Always telling you who you are, what you are.
Keeping you in your place.
Forcing you back into the very person you want to escape from.
Escape can be both bad and good,
Escape from prison is bad; Escape from wrong is good.
So what about escape that never really happens, its only an illusion, a dream...
Dreams can turn to nightmares easily enough, and a good escape becomes bad.
And going back to your chains is far better fate than the possibility of what you might become.

1 comment:

imissw said...

My cheese - which i kept in an air-tight bag - had blue fungi thingy all over it!!!! but me flatmate said that now my cheap cheddar cheese has turned into expensive blue cheese!!!!

the bride was a "gorgeous man"??????

wow - getting philosophical... escape is good - unless u wanna escape from good/resposibilities. when i first came here for me undergraduate studies, the temptation was great to just do watever i wan. after all, who will bother if i backslide?

i guess many ppl prayed hard for me, tho! :-)