Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Clean up

It was such a sad thing when the issue of Indonesian maids being abused in Malaysia came up recently.

Over the years there have been cases off an on, about employers physically abusing their maids. Its probably only a fraction compared to other cases that go unreported.

I hope the Indonesian government stops maids from coming over until they get a fair deal. Why it got to such an embarrassing state is because of our beloved government, money sucking maid agencies and heartless employees. Physical abuse is clear cut, not something that should happen to anyone. But I feel it is also a disgrace that other basic necessities have been taken away as well.

I believe all maids should at least get one day off work to go out.When I say off, I mean off. No one, maid or non maid should have to work 24/7. Imagine if you have to work from the crack of dawn, right up till after dinner time and your work place is the only place you can be. All the time. Employers say - oh we take our maids out.... Yeah right. That usually means they "get" to accompany their employers to go shopping/look after kids or elderly/marketing. That is NOT getting an off day to go out. Don't kid yourself.

Last week when I had conjunctivitis, I had to stay home for 2 days. That alone got me restless and I had to get out of the house. I cannot imagine what its like to be in a home 365 days of a year. Mentally it must be terrible. Its is a prison.

Another thing some employers don't allow their maids to do is talk to their neighbour's maid. How mean is that? Already these women come from another country, are far away from home, have no friends, and the only connection they may have to familiarity is denied them.

Worst still, besides physical and mental abuse, is withholding pay. The only reason they have to come over to Malaysia in the first place is because they can't earn a living back home. No one's life ambition is to leave home, family and friends in order to serve others. How dare employers put them in such a position where the money that is due to them from their hard work, is withheld. Many here are sending money back home to support their family. You don't pay them, their children back home go hungry, old parents can't get medicine. Dramatic...?

Have employers no compassion?

Some of these employers are Christians too.

At times, when I see a maids around church helping out in the kitchen, or in the hall clearing tables or looking after kids, I wonder if its 'right', or how they feel about it.

If we Christians were told to have a Sabbath day, but then deny those who work under us the same thing, doesn't it scream double standard? Isn't it clear cut unfair? Of course I cannot verbalise such accusations to my urban, comfortable, middle income church goers, because they cant possibly be in the same category as those other employers! Come come now, we Christians are good. "We treat Aminah well... She loves looking after the children... we let her watch tv... we let her do things other employer don't allow. She doesn't mind coming in on Sunday to cook..." Therefore lets just steer clear of making Christians feel uncomfortable, lets talk about where we're going for church camp instead.

The argument that so often is used to justify such actions are, 1.they might run away or 2.plot with others to rob the house.
Well, I'm sorry to tell you this but when you decided to hire a maid in the first place, that is a risk you are gonna have to take. That's just the way it is. If you can't handle such a risk, don't get a maid.

Many reading this will probably miss the point I am trying to make.

These maids are human beings too. Human beings who are looking after your house, your children, your grandparents, your mess.


imissw said...

hey, chill, alright?

for the record, i totally agree with you. but you sound really angry!

queen shelby said...

I am!

I am angry because there are 'educated' people who can't even see themselves as doing anything wrong.

I am angry because I know if we can't get Indonesian maids, we're just gonna source them from Cambodia, Myanmar or other poor countries, and the core problem will not be solved.

I am angry that this is what our country is.