Wednesday, February 25, 2009

May I take your order?

Okay, Imagine this.

You walk down the street outside a up market shopping mall. You were supposed to meet your family at Burger King. After walking to the end of the street you turn into the fast food place and can't find them. Only then you realize you're in McDonalds not BK.


So you walk back to the other end of the street where it is, go in and your family bombards you with orders, then leave you to buy the food while they find seats.

Ok... You walk up to the counter and cant seem to get the orders right

"Two sets, one ice cream, two burgers, wait, no - the sets one of those and the other one, vanilla ice cream and...err... Hold on"

Move away from the counter to the nerest table, take out a pen and list down the orders, but even so - for some reason you just cant! You start to cry. To make matters worse, the staff behind the counter are all laughing and pointing at you, as you miserably sit frustrated and unhappy, trying to recall the orders.

Suddenly, you wake up.

What a strange dream!

1 comment:

aKidos said...

was the dream in 2D ?