Monday, February 11, 2008


Saturday i came back to Penang, and it was the bestest trip up i've ever had! Since the journey has already been blogged about with pictures, read it here.

Something else that i didn't feel this time round, my "I dont wanna go back to Penang" syndrome... In fact, truth be told this third and final year has me wanting to spend as much time here as i can because i'm lovin it- ba da ba ba ba.

I think, most Penangites dont get what i mean when i say "I don't wanna go back to Penang", and they misunderstand thinking i dislike it here. Not at all, its more of- I don't wanna leave home. As in, when i'm up here its great! I have a life, friends, church etc and all is very good. But once i'm home, home is home. Couch, tv, family, friends. So its the leaving of home that's not nice.

Ah, Penang. Its become my home. Not my home home, but home.


What do you say to someone who says to you "How come if you jog so far you're still so fat?"... -_-

Its still mind boggling how many people lack basic manners, and can be so rude without even thinking about what their saying. Its not to say we're such close friends, and anyway, none of my close friends would say that that way. I don't believe in the whole "Oh, we're close enough to speak our minds." Yes, you can speak your mind but still with some manners and consideration please! I still remember my friend's poke at me calling me a dino cause dino's are just plain big.

Well, okay! Just don't call me out for makan, that would help.

Unfortunately, its hard to un-friend your friends once you find out your friends are not people you wanna friend. Thats very un-friendly behaviour. Hur hur hur..


Anonymous said...

I guess this would be a bad time to ask you out for supper eh? =/

Anonymous said...

I named my new hamster dino cos it has huge testicals !!


Anonymous said...

Erm...Do dinos even have huge testicles?

And you probably don't wanna go to drawing parallels between Shelby's nickname and your hamster's bojangles.

Anonymous said...

now you miss 'jet-setting BIG shot'...