Monday, September 04, 2006

oh what could it be

I'm back in Penang.

And there's a problem.

My friend had an argument with her boyfriend last week, which resulted in the phone being slammed down. Well, it was through handphones so technically cant be slammed down, but i'm sure he pressed the red End Call button with all the force in his thumb.
That was last Monday.

Next day she tries calling him but cant get through and suspects he's changed his sim card. Its been a week of trying now.

What could it be?
Is he merajuk-ing? Does he have someone else? Wants to end it?

Or is there a possiblity that there's a simple explanation. (but its been a week!)

I hope it's resolved soon, i hate seeing her so sad.


Things i ter-left at home: Blood donation card, running shorts, Selangor flag, Mills and Boon, seahorse necklace, red sandals...

Gah! i've gotta be more organized when i pack.


Everyone is telling everyone else that Steve Irwin (aka Crocodile Hunter) is dead.
Its sorta like when Christopher Reeve (aka Superman) died.
Mourners should go to the funeral wearing Crocs... Hyuk hyuk...


Anonymous said...

You sound like me when I go for a camp. There were instances when I forgot to bring my toothbrush and my comb! I mean, forgetting your shower cream or shampoo or toothpaste is one thing, but toothbrush and comb?

Like you said, gotta be more organised. I wonder if making out a checklist really works.

On another note, I was shocked when I heard Steve Irwin the croc guy passed away. Apparently it was a freak accident involving a stingray. Freaky. It reminds me of a story I read in Reader's Digest not too long ago, about a guy and his female partner who were both gobbled up ALIVE by a bear.

Hasten said...

Mills and Boon?

Anonymous said...

Is your seahorse necklace authentic? Heh...a necklace with aphrodesiac properties...

I guess you have no qualms about poking fun at the recently deceased... Ever heard of the term "too soon"? Tsk Tsk.

queen shelby said...

Stingray barb pierced his heart...Crazy man.

Hasten: Hehehe, the Mills and Boon not for me...supposed to exchange with another friend.Do you have any of these books? =p

Not real seahorse la, its made of some black thing with bits of shell in it. My brother got it for me from Sabah. I want it now.