Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Thing about being back and not having an internet connection at my fingertips at all times makes it annoying when i wanna blog about something but cant, and then i get fed up cause the moment has passed. Kinda like when i wanna sneeze, and i get all ready and expect a satisfying *ah-chooooo!* then it never happens and i'm left feeling super tak syiok.

The other day i did something so stupid and childish. And i'm not even sure i know why i did it, cause i knew it was stupid and childish. It resulted in someone getting angry at me, and i deserved it. Although the person didnt scold and kept his cool, i felt so bleh. Its something i've gotta work on i guess, not being so impulsive, having more self control. Which i think i usually have, but obviously it slips away from time to time. I just hope what was done in hopes of making something better, that then became worse- will all work out in the end. If you're reading this, again- i'm sorry.

Its kinda odd when friends aren't so friends anymore. I suddenly had the urge to contact Anand, and yet i felt to unworthy of doing so cause i've been such a lousy friend. I even wrote a letter few months back which i couldn't bring myself to send, and i ended up throwing it in the bin. Never have i been able to do a good job of the whole "keep in touch" thing. Not when my old friends left, not now that i've left. Its not that i feel they're any less of a friend, but i cling on to the memory of what good friends we were and great times we had, in hopes that when we do meet up again we can just pick up from where we left off.

I think i'm getting old. Last night before i fell asleep i was walking down memory lane, telling Suria about my form 6 life. The ups that were really up, and the downs that were so down. Thinking about Dom, cause the cilaka radio was playing Wonderful Tonight. The feelings that were hurt, and the pain caused. The time when Shannon suddenly was not talking to me. The confrontation in the girls toilet, where there was crying and strong words exchanged. Ironically, i was sitting quietly and i also got scolded- "Dont give me that look!". I left BB with ill feelings towards some people because of how the end of upper 6 was, and how they made it hell. Now that time has passed, i'm not bitter anymore, and i know if i met these people on the street i'd get so excited and happy to see them. I wonder how everyone's doing in their respective places, Arts class:16, Physics class: 17 and Bio: 27- 60 of us all scattered everywhere.

I'm so loving Nick Lacheys What's Left of Me. Hear it almost every morning on Fly FM.

Oh, on a lighter note- my thumb drive flew out the window in the middle of the night, and i watched helplessly as the stupid thing (i swear, in slow motion) fell 5 stories down. Dashing out of my room,i frantically got in the lift and ran towards the area it fell. In the process, i disturbed a couple that were pak-toring on the stairs. Not by choice, but they were sitting less than a foot apart, so obviously my pixie sized frame couldn't squeeze unnoticed between them. Thankfully, it landed on grass and is still working fine. So yeah - Buy Kingston!


Anonymous said...

I faced some kind of confrontation myself, but in Form 5. Like you, I was minding my own business. The class was abuzz about the marking system on one of my classmates' accounts paper.

You see, I don't even know what the problem's about. I'm not even sure if what I mentioned above is absolutely accurate. Yet for some reason, as I was just telling another friend what was happening in class then, one girl who was deeply involved in that particular situation threw me a sharp look and told me to shut up. And she said it in a very mean way, as to tell me it's none of my business.

I shrugged my shoulders and quietly went back to my seat at the back of the class, just trying to figure out what had just happened. It was then I started crying.

To prevent my partner from spotting the tears, I quickly ran to the toilet to wash off.

To cut the long story short, my friends who were sitting close by consoled me.

I haven't met that girl for a long time (keeping in touch seems to be a problem for me as well), but we're over it. The last I remember, we could talk. Without problems.

My apologies for such a long comment. Hehe.

Hasten said...

Girls... Sigh...

In an all-boys' school, no matter what you do or how serious or trivial a matter can be, they'll probably throw a few vulgarities around and shove furniture at you... Then totally forget about it the next day.

The simplicity of the male race :)

Anonymous said...

It's already forgotten. Maybe it's in general but I don't like to hold grudges against other people. Makes me feel yuck and it's a waste of time anyway.

On another note, Shelby, how on earth did your Kingston "survive" that fall? My Apacer fell once on the floor and that's it. Hmmph!

Anonymous said...

Gee Shell, don't you just hate it when pendrives go poltergeist and hurl themselves out the window of high rises?

Had a hissy fit and took it out on Kingston? Or do you stick to the story that Kingston's just suicidal?

queen shelby said...

For your info Mr. Joshua Hooi, the problems that cropped up between the girls all happened in a BOYS SCHOOL! I never, EVER encountered such a problem in my sane co-ed school...Maybe it had something to do with the girls being from a girls school, and its a norm there (?)

Mel: No idea how my pen drive survived...i guess the grass was super soft.

Jef: i didnt wanna say how it happened cause it was my er, butterfingers? My laptop is directly in front of the window, and the usb port at the back. Sooo, when i went to yank it out, it flew outta my grip n out the window.

NO la- truth is it was possessed by the same demon that hurled the pigs off the cliff.

Anonymous said...

You may wanna reconsider your laptop placement never know when the deamon will go into your laptop and have it hurl itself off the ledge. I don't care how much you paid for it or how good it is, but no laptop is gonna survive that fall unless one of its features is a self deploying parachute from the USB port that activates upon reaching a certain velocity.

And you may wanna have your pendrive could be the next 'host'...woooo
*lame attempt to make scary sound*