Tuesday, June 21, 2005

2 hours to go...

Its less than 2hours till midnight.
I just watched two feel good movie's back to back...
Orange County and Secondhand Lion.

The first one was about a guy that has been waiting his whole high school life to get away from his small little town, his mundane life and to go off to college further away, to live his life...But when the time comes, he realizes that he doesnt want to leave after all, and his life was what if was because of the people around him.
Bleh, doesnt that sound just like part of me...?

The second movie was about the lives of two men, that went off into the world, not turning back and no regret. "They lived...They REALLY lived..." Did exactly what they wanted to do...
Also exactly like part of me, wanting to just go off far far....

Earlier today, was talking to Samuel bout the coming uni results...
I was trying to explain to him how difficult it was to pray for something, and yet say, yes it is His will, but at the same time hoping that He will give me what i want... Sam said that i had better get it sorted out and settled with Him before i get the results , and yeah, i'm working on it...

The funny thing is, i was telling Sam how i was trying hard not to hope for something too much, cause for some bizzare reason, i think the more you want something, the less chances you are of getting it...? So by trying to not want so much, the higher the chances of getting...
I dunno how to explain but yeah, thats how i feel.
Sam laughed and said "What, you're trying to trick God isit ??? You think you can fool him?"
Me : Err.....Yeah...?

Well, it'll all be known soon enough.

1 hour 38mins to go...


Anonymous said...

Pieces, pieces..
Pieces of...

-- J e e L e e -- said...

Believe it or not, God DOes give us the desires of our heart!!

U know what i went thru when i was in ur position 1 year back.

I had the exact same thoughts. Wanna leave coz it's a whole new life..blah blah blah...
Dowan to leave because friends la, loved ones la....blah blah blah...

And to pray and ask for HIs will to be done oso hard! So, i told God EVERYTHING. And know that i've told HIM everything, He decide for me! Haha...I don't like to decide.

The thought of going off to singapore was really romantic...adventurous. U go off to a place where u know NO one...and you donno anything bout that stupid country except that the 1st PM was Lee Kuan Yew and that they cheat us on our water. It sounds all so exciting.

Yet, would i want to leave the crazy life that i had in Malaysia? With ppl that i've grown up with? With Family?? OF Course not!!

U know how close i am to my family. U know how much friendships mean to me...it was tough.

But, i think.When i look back, God was good. He put me in Spore where i learn independence (real tough stuff) and dependence - on HIM. It was really awesome learning what it means when in Psalms 62 it says :In God is my salvation and my glory; the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God. Trust in HIm at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.

It's not easy but we have to admit that no other being knows how things will work out better than HE!!

and from experience i say this: there's no other being or thing that offers more love and comfort than our Lord and the more u put into ur relationship with HIM, the more rewarding and satisfying it is.



toPher said...

p/s: i'm continuing sam's lyrics..hehe

Su said...

God knows our hearts desires you know. So even if you try not to hope He will know where you want to be.

Just take heart that where ever He puts you, that He has a purpose and plan for you. I went throught the same thing right before I went to the US. Didn't want to go, and yet He sent me there and changed my life. Worry not. Will keep you in my prayers . God Bless!