Friday, August 28, 2009

Plan A

I just got back from a drink and a friend said that the dream or Plan A, to get married at the age of 24, looks like its not going to happen.

Driving back alone, I mindlessly realized when I was younger (teens) I never really set an 'ideal marriage age' so specifically. There's nothing wring with that at all, many people I know do have ideal ages they think they'd like to be married by etc. When asked, probably in my teenage mind the answer was within the next year or so. I always thought it'd be nice to be a young mother.

However, to a 14year old in From 3, a 24 year old is old! A teen usually thinks about the wedding, not a marriage; likes the idea of being mommy, not the responsibility of it. I think I thought that I would be all grown up by now; having a stable job, seriously dating someone, a nice car, a "stable" life.

Now a quick reality check would be: I still don't feel that I'm an adult, I'm soon to be jobless (no worries), the thought of dating makes me cringe (recoil in distaste) , I have my Pumpkin which I'm so happy with, and my life is going to become anything but stable in the next few months.

I'm not the image of the person I think I thought I would be some day.
Do I even want children?
Mathematically speaking, the chances of me being a young mother is not gonna happen.
I'm 24, nearest possible date I think I could be married 27. I don't want to have a child till about 2 years of settling down, which makes me 29.

Yeah. I can kiss that mental image goodbye.

Thank goodness it was never my Plan A.


Unknown said...


I think you need some help la. Medication perhaps? Proactivin. Heard it helps. Esply in the dark..

Hasten said...

The ustad say... 30 is "date due".