Sunday, October 09, 2005

What's a Chicken Gizzard?

Gizzard - an organ located between the stomach and the intestines inside the chicken's body. The gizzard grinds the food of the chicken and serves as the "chicken's teeth."

That was the topic at lunch today, Connie asked, what exactly is the chicken's gizzard...?
I honestly dunno. I just know its some inner part that i wouldnt eat (icky food)
But others were all giving their 2cents worth ;

"Oh, its the liver"
" the kidney"
"Nehhh- its that part, that part la..."

I kept quiet since i dunno, i dowanna simply say.
Its amusing to watch the rest though, hear what they say.
Why do people do that, pretend to know, but actually dunno...Isn't it safer to just admit tht you dont, rather than pass on wrong information?

Cant seem to find a picture of the chicken anatomy tho.
Chef Su, got or not? =p

Little Known Facts About the Chicken...
  • Fact - China has the most chickens; 3,000,000,000 of them
  • Fact - Alektorophobia : Fear of chickens. (kekeke, anyone?)
  • Fact - If a rooster is not present in a flock of hens, a hen will often take the role, stop laying, and begin to crow. (wonder if its the same for humans...)
  • Fact - The closest living relative of the t-rex is the chicken.
  • Fact - I used to keep some as pets.

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