Saturday, October 29, 2005


Oh my goodness

I'm going to starve!
The cafes in the hostel have all officially CLOSED for the Raya holidays...
Saturday to Saturday
One week of no food..

Die ...

Die. . .

Die . . .

Only plus point is will die looking thinner

Alternative to death would be to take an 8minute walk down to Khaleel, mamak down the road...
They shld give us membership prices ok, the ammount of time's we go there...
Gonna get so sick of mamak food

Friday, October 28, 2005

Batu Ferringhi

Girls day out!
Today, being Sim's birthday we decided to go to the beach.
It was a 2hour journey from USM, 2 buses, and 1 1/2hour journey back...
But it was good fun
About 10 different people asked us if we wanted any water sports or horse back riding, and we kept saying no , no and no... thats gottta be the most annoying thing of the whole trip..
We had no peace ok, every 10mins someone asking the exact same thing.
But we managed to collect lotsa shells, and build sandcastle's...sorta =)

<--Sim, Su and Shel

<---Queen Shelby's Castle

<-- Me and the Bday girl!

Last night we surprised her, had a mini Bday party in my room. Suria was supposed to keep her busy until 12 and the other girls all came and got ready...
Was hilarious cause the plan kept changing and we were all so nervous it would flop...
But it all went well, and for some reason she smeared cream on my face (?)
i know she enjoyed herself tho
We all then packed our party and took it downstairs to the cafe, and watched Roda Impian- all the while making loads of noise of course...
Twas a good 24hours overall, and i think for importantly Sim really had a fun 20th Bday

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

My Doggies!

Hmmm, been missing these two rascals lar...

Snubby Ng
Born : October 1997
Breed: Pekingese + Unknown
Likes : Rolling in the grass on sunny days, carrots, lettuce and barking at the postman
Dislikes: Mushrooms, baths, Little Dog (initially) and thunder

Traits: Playful, moody, naughty, likes escaping, understands when i'm sad, funny face

Little Dog Ng
Born: Unknown (roughly 6years old)
Breed: Poodle + Unknown
Likes: People, curling up on people's laps, sofa's and high pitched sounds
Dislikes: Water and grass
Traits: He's a dum dum, Looks like he's thinking but he's actually not, cant play for nuts, runs away from grass (go figure), a 100% manja/lap dog
*We found him bout 2years ago wondering outside the house, so we do not know what trauma his previous owners put him through*

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Happy 50th Birthday Dad...!!!

Cant believe my dad is 50

i dunno, that number seems so big
so large

When my dad was 30 i was born
Its almost 20 years since i've been around

i dont like
i dont like the idea of my parents getting old

Snubby is 7 years old, he's getting old too...
And he's injured

Cam has bronchitis, i dunno why
My mom has work stress, what else is new

The TLC ppl seem to be having loads of fun-even Samuel appears to be..."charitable" to a certain "C" sending C to the doctor, and buying C porridge...Amazing man
The world has turned upside down

i wanna celebrate with dad
i wanna hug mom
i wanna see what i can do for Cam
i wanna look after Snubby
i wanna tell Sam he's such a squat
i wanna laugh and joke with the TLC gang

i wanna go home

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Long weekend...

Been absent from blogging for a few days
Imagine, the time i walked down to blog, no electric at the shoplot...Just my luck
Anyway, had good fun weekend, and have splashed out on sending mms's to show what i did...

Penang friend Adrian actually left Penang to go down KL and study. So we went to the beach just for kicks and these are some snaps i took
<-- The Valley

<-- A fishing boat
<--- Ferry at night

Hilarous, after a wonderful dinner at Passion of Kerala, Adrian had a great idea to go for a joyride on the ferry,just go back and forward.
Here's an idea of what whacky Adrian is like;
"Ok, to avoid payingRM1.20 each, when the ferry reaches the other side we either:
Plan A- Hide in the toilets till the ferry moves again
Plan B- Just sit in our seats and see if the guards do anything or chase us off OR
Plan C- Walk out very slowly, by then the barrier on the other side will be up and passengers coming, and while passing we turn around and walk back in with the crowd as one of them...
Aghhhhhh! Adrian!
Plan A was OUT, plan B was too scary, we almost gave up but in the end just went ahead and did Plan C! And we MADE IT! MUAHAHAHA! was SO embarrassing cause the guards saw la, but chose not to do anything i guess... But twas fun

This is Adrian--->

Just look at that cheeky face
Was wearing sexy short pants
We were supposed to go hiking, but was raining so plan B (he's full of back up plans) was dim sum...
He made comparison with his legs and Samuel's one in my handphone...Even suggested a sexy dance for Squato to do
Samuel and Sexy ?

Balitong --->

oh my goodness
Somehow was persuaded to try it. Joshua taught how
Step 1 - Suck the rear end till the snail comes out abit. This seals the hole so will have more suction
Step2 - Put bigger side into mouth
Step 3- Take a quick, hard suck in of air
Slug thing supposed to come out.
Bloody hell. SO HARD, i almost gave up...
And was so tiring kay...! But i did manage about 8 in total so yay! Hahaha

Joshua @ PKA Prez -->

Also a nonsense fellow
Like Adrian
I think its a Penang thing
Penang guys anyway
The girls are normal

Today, Sunday School was great...
Pek Bing asks us if we have any questions from the sermon (Mark Chpt. 4 today) and normally we dont have many...
Today however, we didnt even touch Colossians the book we were supposed to be going, cause we got into a discussion on a few verses and what parables actually mean... Very interactive...

After a lunch, had urge to look at fish tanks since Siang Yen wants to rear fish. Went Prangin Mall (RM15 for pump/filter, RM27 for tank) and after that Burmah Road Gospel Hall for their Missions Night.
Its the 3rd Sunday every 2 months if i'm not mistaken. Tonight was about the Tamil Ministry in Msia...
What was dinner? Passion of Kerala, AGAIN. I didnt know that twas JUST behind BRGH...
I'm way past my eating quota this weekend man...
After dropping Vivian off, went mamak with Daniel n Siang Yen.
Daniel telling his stories about Japan and the public baths..
I dont think i could do it lor, be totally naked with others in a bath.
But maybe i would ONLY if i knew no one there.
Imagine going with ur buddy...
You'll never look at each other the same ever again...
I'm now sleepy, contact lenses getting dry... Wanna go back and sleep
And i will
Wonder what next week has in store.
Gotta study tho
Exams, 8-21

Sunday, October 16, 2005

The many faces of my room mate.... lovely....

Supposed to go some art exhibition thingy, but the place was closed We were near little India so went for proper Indian (not mamak) food- been craving rawa masala man...Miss the LaSalle tuition days where me and the squat and the gentle giant go makan at Pandi's... *pause, shel walks down memory lane...*

Anyways, after that went some other place that sold second hand books...but it wasnt that cheap actually lor...Our lecturer said u could get em for bout rm2, but the most that i saw were 7-10bucks...and even that the books were REALLY bad condition, so i didnt think it was worth it lor... COnsidered getting some old Mills and Boon *shy* did NOT tho...

Finally head back to USM, and on the way back Daniel starts talking bout the a capella thing that he wants to start up... He got SO excited that he started talking to me in SUPER DUPER music jargon- i was like ......... *stare blankly, blink blink* And on the radio the song came on "Isnt she lovely, isnt she wonderful..." So he tried giving us parst la- me and Chris the same lines over and over ..

Not easy Tongue twisting But it was a hilarious ride home Li Yee was doing some funky part- that kept throwing me and Chris off

Now tired, had a long day ,and missing Stoop More than half way through Sons and Lovers Most icky bit so far is the son kissing the mother's neck... ewww Hopefully can finish tonight lovely....

Friday, October 14, 2005

Dwarf thats name starts with G

bloody no reason to be but i am
why must my mother be like that
and why must i be so affected


Was good fun afternoon.
Last PKA meeting of the semester
Something that i wrote was published in the PKA newsletter *bangga*
Caught up with my Yee Lai over lunch, and laughed with a clown

Seems so fast the sem is nearly over- slightly more than a month left...
The vice prez was going through what happened from week 1 till week 14
Next time we'll meet is for National Conference
(WENG YAN i'll KILL you!!!! kekeke, why la u sign up so lateeeeee...i hope there's room for you.. UM Squat: signed up edi or not?)

Really respect the PKA prez- this guy from Sg Ara.
He can really speak well, he's not boring, he can make jokes and he quotes bible verses.
First week of PKA he spoke about Restoring Faith...
Today he brought it to a close, again touching on faith, bout the things we hope for, and we have faith that He is working through us though we may not be able to see it yet...
Squat, 2years time u become PKA prez ya...?

still that dwarf....grrr =p

1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Want the pants la...

i predict that the rambler in Rayleigh will post a blog on how his uni lecturer came late today, that he waited 1/2 hour from 11am (UK time)
And he'll say how not only Msians dont follow time accordingly..westerners do as well, but Asians are all pro West...blah blah...kekeke
Also about how he cant stop saying -LAH...whats wrong with saying lah ? its the Malaysian way watttt! Are you too good for it ?!? kekeke

For the first time in a long while heard of someone washing their car by themselves...
Last time i washed a car was my mom's; and that was cause i had other motives- had to wash in order to use it.

Now i go back to my hostel room, reading Sons and Lovers. I think it'll be quite interesting, thought abit sick as it explores the relationship of a mother, and her two boys as sons, AND, mega Ewwww...
Studying the Oedipus Theory mar...
Freud was a sick freak.

oooh, slept like a piggy ystr- something like, from 3pm till 1am...but it was full of disturbances...
-Phone call from Daniel and i have NO idea what i was mumbling to him
-Row leader knocking on door for collection; buka puasa meal this fri/sat (not sure)
-Friend opening door and staring in at me- me not wearing specs, so peering back at her
-Woke up for no reason a few times as well

When finally got up, was super hungry but all shops closed by then =(
Suria lazy to walk to Kaleel so just made some tea...We both couldnt sleep till about 5am, talking and laughing about our Form6 stories.

So proud of myself- today resisted buying a pair of trousers...Komtar had a BodyGlove warehouse sale...pants were only rm30.I dont need them...i wanted em...
But i resisted!!!
(Actually i couldnt find an atm machine)

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

FIRE drill

<-- Desasiswa Saujana

1 of the blocks la,not mine. Imagine running down the staircase from the 9th floor...

Last night or rather early this morning,bout 12+ i was startled by the fire alarm ringing - first thoughts were for real or not? And was it my block?
Turned out twas the guys block next to mine having a fire drill...

Me and Suria were laughing at them cause the drill's here are pretty serious, the guards actually run to every room and yell for everyone to get out..
So there were the guys most in their sleeping clothes, being herded like sheep to the "safe" spot.
I was like, kekeke- we didnt kena, woo hoo!
Was also laughing cause Squatto Chris would've been there...

Finally, everything died down and i went back to doing my work.
Mana tau, 10mins later MY block alarm went off...!!! Quite smart also the security guards...i was totally not expecting two drills in one night...
First thing Suria said : Quick! Switch off the lights and lock the door- pretend we're not in...!
Well, we did do that at first, but i didnt really like me jakun but i was quite excited to go down...hahaha

So i threw a big t-shirt over my singlet (takkan go down so exposed...)
We could hear the guards yelling "Cepat...cepat! Api! Lari! " And Suria, being the girl she is, was walking along to the stairs and yelling back "Ya lah, ya lah!!!" - almost collided with the shouting guard when she went round the corner...
Me? Laughing all the way...

I dunno- i dont find these things to be a pain; total opposite actually.
There we were, coupla hundred of gals, being herded like sheep and laughed at by other blocks...bleh!
Some were really in their pj's though, SO FUNNY! thank goodness i wasnt wearing anything too kiddy or malu-fying...
After it all i was SO wide awake (which was good as had to finish an assignment due today)
Which reminds me of how frus i was cause my group member sorta didnt do his part right, so i pretty much altered 80% of it...
BUT- who cares, its all done and passed up and thats all that matters... Me remembering last night's drill keeps me in good humour.
Been awake for 30ish hours or so...Cant decide if i should sleep now and get up late late evening which means wont be able to sleep at night... OR tahan till night and crash...

Oh, didnt feel so bad after that cause there was ANOTHER fire drill at the next block...kekeke.
What goes around, comes around la;
So be careful when laughing at others...
But what i always say is "I'm not laughing AT you, i'm laughing WITH you...." kekeke

Sunday, October 09, 2005

What's a Chicken Gizzard?

Gizzard - an organ located between the stomach and the intestines inside the chicken's body. The gizzard grinds the food of the chicken and serves as the "chicken's teeth."

That was the topic at lunch today, Connie asked, what exactly is the chicken's gizzard...?
I honestly dunno. I just know its some inner part that i wouldnt eat (icky food)
But others were all giving their 2cents worth ;

"Oh, its the liver"
" the kidney"
"Nehhh- its that part, that part la..."

I kept quiet since i dunno, i dowanna simply say.
Its amusing to watch the rest though, hear what they say.
Why do people do that, pretend to know, but actually dunno...Isn't it safer to just admit tht you dont, rather than pass on wrong information?

Cant seem to find a picture of the chicken anatomy tho.
Chef Su, got or not? =p

Little Known Facts About the Chicken...
  • Fact - China has the most chickens; 3,000,000,000 of them
  • Fact - Alektorophobia : Fear of chickens. (kekeke, anyone?)
  • Fact - If a rooster is not present in a flock of hens, a hen will often take the role, stop laying, and begin to crow. (wonder if its the same for humans...)
  • Fact - The closest living relative of the t-rex is the chicken.
  • Fact - I used to keep some as pets.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Stupid Chelsea

its like something bad's gonna happen
or something bad has happened and i'm just ignorant about it
perhaps i'll find out, perhaps i never will
how do these's feelings come about...

Learning bout Sigmund Freud and phychoanalysis.
The conscious and unconscious mind
What goes on in the innerself, will be displayed outwardly, without you even realizing.
Your actions are all a result of repressed fears, conflicts and desires.
Freaky Freaky.
I'm thinking back to the past. Bad things that've happened that i keep within in me.
Has this topic triggered something?
Ate cabbage at 3am. Dunno why, suddenly felt like it.
And now i feel lonely
I seldom get the blues...
Its my subconscious telling me i'm still mourning from the thrashing few days back.
Stupid Chelsea...
i'm sure Freud agrees.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Sunday School

Three monkeys at Sunday School last week.
Yup, Sunday School.
Its the weekly bible study after morning worship, by the church elder who's the bomb! He's funny, super informative, and creates a good learning enviroment...
We're actually sitting on the floor, around a tiny table. The church is a Tadika during the week and we use one of the classrooms... Alas, we cant sit on the miniature chairs incase they break.. I i dont like the stools, feel so high up
So we opt for the floor, much to Uncle Bing's amusement.

Today was the start of puasa.
Dont feel it so much like before in school, where it's more obvious.
And i dunno if there's a cool pasar everynight like there is in Taman Tun, with all sortsa food sold cheap...
Hope there is.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

So sad

*this is totally a whine post so dont even bother reading if not interested*

So sad
Jon went back at 3.30pm today.
You know you see in movies, that LAST glance you get of someone as their bus drives away?
Well, wanted to do that, and i crossed the road to be where the bus would pass by so i could wave.
But Jon thought i was still at the station and was looking left when i was on his right.
= (
So sad.

Past 5 days have been great. I should not be sad.
And i tell myself not to be all sappy and soppy and silly.

Most of my classes were canceled (so fortunate)
Tuesday night, had sea food dinner with Jon's colourful groupmates- 2 of them take turns to see who can curse and smoke the most and one more a quiet decent guy (who seemed to be moving his chair away from me during i that scary?) But still i had fun.

So sad;
Still had the flu thanks to SQUATTO, and i was feeling crappy on the Wednesday n Thursday.... Blocked/runny nose, eyes sore, throat like sandpaper...horrible

But Friday was the greatest. Secretive fella surprised me ,he had already made plans- to go to the beach...
I've not gone swimming in the sea in a LONG time, i was so happy!
(although did not like thought of wearing swimsuit)
Swam...unintentionally swallowed seawater...felt something slimy swim under my foot.
Later on found our that there were supposed to be lotsa jelly-fish in that area...Scary thought..
After bout 40mins (?) got outta the sea and then started building a sand fortress.
My goodness, he really takes his construction seriously- built an outer wall to stop the water coming in, then an inner wall surrounding a moat that even had a bridge across it. Was great fun tho (my fingertips are raw now from all the digging) and a pretty impressive fortress i must say.
And of course saw the sky set (couldnt see the sun, but the sky was beautiful enough)

Lovely ending to a lovely day.

Its over now, he's back home and i've got to be cool with not seeing him till end of Novemeber

So sad...

# Obi Mun, may the force be with you on your 13hour flight- may there be a sexy woman seated next to you and if there isnt, may you be able to sleep like a pig most of the way. Gonna miss your GREAT jokes and messing up your car... #

Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll NEVER walk alone