Tuesday, September 06, 2005

TEst Test

My goodness
Today had a test for a STUPID subject...
Teknik Berfikir
Yes, we neet to be thought how to think

Its ridiculous okay. . . And its still in Malay, so even more JOY!
Well, our exam hall turned out to be under the second library SENDUT 2 , so we went, and get this, by 4.55 we were still hanging outside the doors, waiting to get in. Of course we didnt get to start by 5, by the time the 300 odd students troop in , it was about 5.10pm.

Well, the question was alright la...i think (?)
*only studied that morning, so serves me right if i do horribly*

And when it came time to hand in , not enuff time to finish what i wanted to write !!!

My handwriting was ... sigh. Too long have i not been under pressure to write. Karat edi.
Oh, funny part was, some ppl didnt properly write their details on the attendance slip, so they had to be called out...Actually, mine was not complete, but i somehow escaped! But hear the lady call out :
"Christopher Koh BOON HAN "

About 15mins later only we could leave, and when the woman said can go
Goodness! Imagine 300 ppl dashing for the door thats 1 meter wide...
Malaysia...Truly Asia

1 comment:

toPher said...
