Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Flawed Logic

In true Shelby fashion, I didn't bother getting a jacket for my trip because I have all my winter stuff here, and figured I'll be in the aeroplane and the airport the whole time anyway so it'd be fine. Someone would bring me a jacket when they picked me up.

The one thing I failed to take into account was the EasyJet flight I was taking from Stansted to Glasgow, like AirAsia flights, and I had to go out onto the runway and walk to the plane!

So there I was in my short sleeved tshirt and thin cardigan, dashing from the airport gate out into the -2 degree weather, laughing to myself thinking how silly I must look. All the locals probably muttering, "Bloody stupid foreigners..."

When we landed in Glasgow, it was SNOWING (just for me) and I had the pleasure of speed walking through it, shivering in delight.

Moral of the story - When on a budget flight, one must always be prepared. .


Unknown said...

"Bloody stupid foreigners" probably wasn't the first thought that came to mind.. Maybe just stupid. Haha.

-- J e e L e e -- said...

yeah...HAHA! Was thinking that too. If you LOOK asian, then woohoo, you can say to yourself "Stupid Asian" haha....

But too bad. You don't look asian. Don't jealous. Coz we can feign ignorance and say we're asian. Kita tak paham. But u can't. So dont do stupid things!