Tuesday, April 27, 2010


The best thing about my extended stay here in the UK is getting to experience all four seasons.

When asked if Malaysia has seasons? Yes, rainy season and non-rainy season.

The beautiful flowers and lambs totally make up for the cold winter days.


imissw said...

u've been there long wnuf to experience all 4 seasons edi meh?


it's such a wonderful experience, ain't it? :-)

wyzek said...

hey...was love never dies nice!? i gotta know!

queen shelby said...

Nonono not yet; only been here for end of autumn, whole of winter and now beginning of spring. But by the time i leave it would have seen the full cycle...

YZ: I really enjoyed it.. Its def NOT as good as Phantom, BUT its good. The music for Love Never Dies is fabulous and some of the scenes are amazing. Especially the opening scene, its like watching a 3D movie happening live on stage.
If you liked Phantom, I'd recommend going but dont compare it too much with the first one.
Go for it!

imissw said...

hey! welcome back!!!!!

u're making me miss paris too!

i heard that the critics dubbed 'love never dies' as 'the paint that never dries'!!!!

but i had doubted it'd be as good as the first one which is still my fav!