Monday, May 18, 2009


1. Star Trek

Enjoyed it overall, but hated two things
1. The young Capt. Kirk's All American Hero attitude. Felt it was too OTT.
2. How Uhura's character was so pathetic. They just needed a hot female in and her role was to cause my eyes to roll. Seriously, what did she contribute to the show? Bleh.

2. Wolverine

Loved it but was not satisfied because it wasn't ENOUGH!
Wish they had few more scenes where the other mutants powers could be shown.
Zero and Wade were yummy, but Wolverine was.... butt naked! =p

3. Angels and Demons

Most difficult to watch because I've read the book and therefore cannot help but be conscious of the differences in the storyline.
Why was Vittoria's lab partner not her father?
Why did they change the final ambigram?
Why did they leave out certain characters?
Why was the canister's countdown not in numerical form?
Why was the 4th cardinal's fate different?
Why was the assassin good looking? (especially in specs)

Why, why, why?

Next on the list - 17 Again



Su said...

Hello! I want to watch 17 again too!

liz09 said...

Su: Me too!

Shel: I totally agree with you on Star Trek. Couldn't help my eyes from rolling every time Uhura came onto screen... Esp. the kissing part, just before teleporting! *eye balls rolls away*