Saturday, January 12, 2008

Wouldn't it be nice...

It would be nice to have someone that cares if I've arrived home or not.

Not a lover, but a loved one.

I see two friends that share this bond and i can't help but feel a slight twang of envy.

It would be nice.


I'm back in PJ for the weekend. Again. Why? Another wedding, this time my cousin's. I feel like what Jess wrote in her blog. Bleh.

But of course happy la, Ah Tan and Ah Tok have been dating forever (10years) and already living as man and wife, so this is just finally getting it over and done with.

The good thing is, I'll be able to try out Life Chapel's first Sunday trying out the new two service system.

8.15am baby! I can get my old pew back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

8.15am baby! I can get my old pew back.

did ya? :P