Sunday, January 20, 2008


I've not gone online in a while, as my blog shows it. Well, a week to be exact.

Which is why i think there's no point in joining Facebook yet. I'll just wait till April.

No time to blog now even, as its too late and church is 7hours away and i've gotta get back to my room.

Malam Kung Fu was last night, and a bunch went in support of Koi Lik Wai @ Jethro. It started well, but the second half was so boring that Kevin fell asleep and was softly snoring next to me. i dont blame him. Jet did good, proud of him and see that his training paid off.

Happiness and sadness go hand in hand most of the time.


Smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone.


Anonymous said...

can't help but to agree with the last line...

aKidos said...

so busy till not much written here ? haih thoguht ur blog could entertain me today .. but not much post here even after dunno how long !!

good luck, this is ur final semd rite !! haih cant wait to grad : )